Working Papers and Papers Under Review

Biggers, Daniel R., David J. Hendry, Alan S. Gerber, and Gregory A. Huber. "Experimental Evidence about Whether (and Why) Electoral Closeness Affects Turnout." (Under review).

Hendry, David J. "Small-group Conformity and Political Attitudes." (Working paper).

Hendry, David J., Daniel R. Biggers, Alan S. Gerber, and Gregory A. Huber. "Non-voting as Informed Deference: Evidence that Perceptions of Competence and Policy Agreement Explain Participation in Local Elections." (Under review).

Hendry, David J., Mathias Osmundsen, Lasse Laustsen, Lene Aarøe, and Michael Bang Petersen. "Public Opinion and the Psychology of Threats: A Dual-Process Theory." (Invited to revise and resubmit at the British Journal of Political Science).

Hendry, David J., and Sunhee Park. "Re-examining the Grievance-Conflict Nexus: Comparison of Objective and Subjective Grievance Measures." (Working paper).

Hendry, David J., and Gisela Sin. "Joining the Tea Party Caucus: A Survival Strategy." (Working paper).

Huber, Gregory A., Alan S. Gerber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. "Can Raising the Stakes of Election Outcomes Increase Participation? Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in Local Elections." (Under review).

Laustsen, Lasse, Lene Aarøe, David J. Hendry, John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith, and Michael Bang Petersen. "The Deservingness Heuristic in Political Communication: A Comprehensive Test of the Strength of Bias-Congruent Frames and How to Counter Them." (Working paper).

Laustsen, Lasse, David J. Hendry, Lene Aarøe, and Michael Bang Petersen. "Erasing Race? The Effect of Race Cues on Social Welfare Attitudes in the Face of Deservingness Cues." (Working paper).

Lee, Seonghui, Akitaka Matsuo, and David J. Hendry. "Paths to False Beliefs: Ignorance, Partisan Motivation, and Conspiracy Mentality." (Working paper).

Osmundsen, Mathias, David J. Hendry, Lasse Laustsen, Kevin B. Smith, and Michael Bang Petersen. "Two Cross-National Replications on the Physiological Foundations of Political Ideology." (Invited to revise and resubmit at the Journal of Politics).


Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2017. "Can Political Participation Prevent Crime? Results from a Field Experiment about Citizenship, Participation, and Criminality." Political Behavior 39(4): 909–934.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2017. "Does Incarceration Reduce Voting? Evidence about the Political Consequences of Spending Time in Prison." Journal of Politics 79(4): 1130–1146.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Montez-Rath, Maria E., Kristopher Kapphahn, Maya Mathur, Aya Mitani, David J. Hendry, and Manisha Desai. 2017. "Guidelines for Generating Right-censored Outcomes from a Cox Model Extended to Accommodate Time-varying Covariates." Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 16(1): 86–106.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2017. "Why Don't People Vote in U.S. Primary Elections? Assessing Theoretical Explanations for Reduced Participation." Electoral Studies 45: 119–129.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf (Main + Appendix)] [Replication Materials]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2017. "Self Interest, Beliefs, and Policy Opinions: Understanding the Economic Source of Immigration Policy Preferences." Political Research Quarterly 70(1): 155–171.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2016. "A Field Experiment Shows that Subtle Linguistic Cues Might Not Affect Voter Behavior." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(26): 7112–7117.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf (Main + Appendix)] [Replication Materials]

Park, Sunhee, and David J. Hendry. 2015. "Reassessing Schoenfeld Residual Tests of Proportional Hazards in Political Science Event History Analyses." American Journal of Political Science 59(4): 1072–1087.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2015. "Can Incarcerated Felons Be (Re)integrated into the Political System? Results from a Field Experiment." American Journal of Political Science 59(4): 912–926.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Gerber, Alan S., Kevin Arceneaux, Cheryl Boudreau, Conor M. Dowling, D. Sunshine Hillygus, Thomas R. Palfrey, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2014. "Reporting Guidelines for Experimental Research: A Report from the Experimental Research Section Standards Committee." Journal of Experimental Political Science 1(1): 81–98.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix]

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2014. "Ballot Secrecy Concerns and Voter Mobilization: New Experimental Evidence about Message Source, Context, and the Duration of Mobilization Effects." American Politics Research 42(5): 896–923.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Althaus, Scott L., Nathaniel Swigger, Svitlana Chernykh, David J. Hendry, Sergio C. Wals, and Christopher Tiwald. 2014. "Uplifting Manhood to Wonderful Heights? News Coverage of the Human Costs of Military Conflict from World War One to Gulf War Two." Political Communication 31(2): 193–217.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf] [Online Appendix] [Contact corresponding author]

Hendry, David J. 2014. "Data Generation for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Time-Dependent Covariates: A Method for Medical Researchers." Statistics in Medicine 33(3): 436–454.
[Abstract] [doi] [Local pdf]

Althaus, Scott L., Nathaniel Swigger, Svitlana Chernykh, David J. Hendry, Sergio C. Wals, and Christopher Tiwald. 2011. "Assumed Transmission in Political Science: A Call for Bringing Description Back In." Journal of Politics 73(4): 1065–1080.
[Abstract] [doi] [Online Appendix] [Replication Data]

Hendry, David J., Robert A. Jackson, and Jeffery J. Mondak. 2009. "Abramoff, Email, and the Mistreated Mistress: Scandal and Character 2006 Elections." In Fault Lines: Why the Republicans Lost Congress, eds., Jeffery J. Mondak and Dona-Gene Mitchell. New York: Routledge pp. 84–110.
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